5.3 Update - Fortress · Abyss

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Fortress Sieges Changes

1. Abyss has been changed, attacking process for each Lower/Abyss fort has been changed.

에레슈키갈 군단이 삼중도를 본거지로 삼아 세력을 확장해 나가자 천/마는 비상사태를 선포하고 아트레이아에서 실력 좋은 데바들을 소집하기 시작한다.

데바들을 소집한 에레슈란타 총사령관은 에레슈키갈 군단으로 인하여 어비스가 매우 위험한 상태라며 데바들에게 적극적으로 임무에 수행 할 것을 독려한다.

소집된 데바들은 에레슈키갈 군단과 상대 종족의 위협으로부터 어비스를 지키는 사명을 받고 전투에 뛰어 들게 된다.

- Areas around Upper Abyss fortresses can now only be accessed during siege times.

- 아노하 요새전 방식을 공성만 가능하도록 변경하였습니다.

- To acquire any compensation you must join the Battlefield Union. Also, being the 'Union Chief Captain', 'Union Alliance Leader', 'Alliance Leader' will grant you additional compensation.

Related> 5.3 Update - Battlefield Union System

2. Abyss Lower/Upper regions have been reduced, some of the terrain has been changed.

- Characters that logged out in the Abyss before the Dragon Lord's Resurrection Update will be moved.

- Characters in the Abyss area will be teleported to Elyos: Teminon Landing - Latis Plaza, Asmodian: Primum Landing - Russet Plaza.

- Characters bound to the Upper Abyss Obelisk will be teleported to Elyos: Teminon Landing, Asmodian: Primum Landing.

3. Siege schedule for the Lower/Upper Abyss and Kaldor Fortresses has been changed.

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
18:00 ~ 19:00 Sulphur

Siel's Eastern

Siel's Western


Siel's Eastern

Siel's Western


Siel's Eastern

Siel's Western


Siel's Eastern

Siel's Western

22:00 ~ 23:00 Krotan
Anoha Krotan
Anoha Krotan
Sanctum Battlefield



Lower Abyss Siege



1. The way you siege Lower Abyss Fortresses has been changed.

- 10min before the Fortresses become vulnerable, you will be able to apply to the Battlefield Union, once the siege starts, Elyos will be moved to the Teminon Landing and Asmodians to Primum Landing.

- When the Fortress becomes vulnerable, Shugo Negotiators will emerge and will support one race by killing the Balaur.

Shugo Negotiators Benefits
① Oharunerk's Ship (Sulphur Archipelago) Mercenaries spawn in the Sulphur Fortress

Teminon/Primum Landing Moving NPCs Spawn

② Joarinerk's Ship (Zephyr Island) Increases PVP Defences for 10min

Teminon/Primum Landing Moving NPCs Spawn

③ Temirunerk's Ship (Leibo Island) Increases attack power against the Balaur for 10min

Teminon/Primum Landing Moving NPCs Spawn

④ Shairinerk's Ship (Gale Island) Increases PVP Defences for 10min

Teminon/Primum Landing Moving NPCs Spawn

⑤ Bominerk's Ship (Siel's Left Wing) Mercenaries spawn in the Siel's Western Fortress

Teminon/Primum Landing Moving NPCs Spawn

⑥ Sasuminerk's Ship (Siel's Right Wing) Mercenaries spawn in the Siel's Eastern Fortress

Teminon/Primum Landing Moving NPCs Spawn

- Abyss 하부의 총 3개의 Fortress all Fortress전 시작되면 수호신장 방으로 통하는 내부 연결 통로에 성문이 추가 생성되고, you can attack the Guardian once both gates inside and one outside have been destroyed.

- Abyss 하부 Fortress전 공략을 진행하며 Elyos/Asmodians이 각각 일정 기여도가 쌓이고, 둘중 한 race이 승리하게 되면 승리/패배 보상이 각각 지급됩니다.

- Legion rewards for capturing Abyss Fortresses have been removed to ensure participation of the entire race in the siege.

- Level and stats of objects in the Lower Abyss have been increased.

2. Settings of the Artifacts in the Lower Abyss have been changed.

Artifact Before After
Abyssal Aura Inflicts 800 damage ever 4sec for 12sec Inflicts 1000 damage ever 3sec for 15sec
Daevic Efflux Located on the east side Located on the west side
Tenebrous Cloak Located on the west side Located on the east side

Upper Abyss Siege



1. The way you siege Upper Abyss Fortresses has been changed.

- 10min before the Fortress siege starts, you can move around and join the Battlefield Union. Once the siege starts, both races will be separated and moved near the fortress.

- Once the minimum personnel for the Battlefield Union has been reached the window will change and you will be able to check the score.


Battlefield Union Fortress Window before displaying detailed
score (Ex: Kysis Fortress)

- The score is divided between Elyos/Asmodian/Balaur and the default value when the fortress belongs to the Balaur is 10,000. The objective is to take points from the Balaur and Elyos/Asmodian.

※ You can gaiin additional points by destroying objects of the opposite race.

· Points can be scored by targeting the Fortress Commander, surrounding debris, Fortress Gates and Elemental Stones, etc.

· The race that scored the most points will take control over the fortress.

※ If Balaur's score is higher or equal to the Elyos/Asmodian score, the fortress will remain Balaur's and the compensation will not be paid.

※ If the Elyos/Asmodian capture a Fortress, the opposite race will not receive any rewards.

- Legion rewards for capturing Abyss Fortresses have been removed to ensure participation of the entire race in the siege.

- Abyss Stronghold's level has been reset.

- Level and stats of objects in the Upper Abyss have been increased.

Anoha Fortress Siege

1. The way you attack the 'Anoha Fortress' in Kaldor has been changed.

- 'Anoha Fortress전' 수성은 삭제되며, 다음 Fortress전 시작 전에 Fortress 소유권이 Balaur로 자동 변경됩니다.

- Anoha Fortress전 시작 시 Fortress 주변에 위치한 플레이어는 우호 지역의 개척지 (Elyos : Saphirunerk Settlement, Asmodians : Rubininerk Settlement) 로 이동되고, 공성전에 필요한 전차를 사용할 수 있습니다.

※ Items required to operate Kaldor tanks can be purchased from NPCs in the base.

- Raging Anoha will appear after capturing the Anoha Fortress 2 times, related quests will start automatically upon entering the Anoha Fortress.

- Raging Anoha will maintain for 60min after appearing.

- Artifacts placed in Kaldor have been changed.

Artifact Before After
Hellfire Array Inflicts 3300 damage 5 times Inflicts 3900 damage 5 times
Soul Destruction Reduces MP by 2000 5 times Reduces MP by 95% 5 times

Inggison and Gelkmaros

1. Fortresses in Inggison, Gelkmaros no longer become vulnerable.

- Nearby Artifacts can no longer be activated.

Fortress Guardians

1. Changed the way Raging Fortress monsters appear.

- If you capture a fortress a specific number of times a Raging monster will appear near the fortress.

Area Fortress Number of Occupations
Lower Abyss Sulphur Fortress Elyos/Asmodians 5 times each
Siel's Western Fortress
Siel's Eastern Fortress

Upper Abyss Krotan Refuge Elyos/Asmodians 2 times each
Kysis Fortress
Miren Fortress

Kaldor Anoha Fortress Elyos/Asmodians 2 times each

Abyss Reinforcement System

1. Certain level benefits for enhancing the Upper Abyss Stronghold have been changed.

Level Changed Existing Benefits Addition
Level 3 Inggison / Gelkmaros Corridors removed

Damasko and Meinke removed

Gerha and Kaldor Corridor
Level 4 Gerha and Kaldor Corridor removed Additional entries to the Rift of Oblivion

Jakus and Edegar appear

Level 5 Rune Shield Tower entrance removed

Jakus and Edegar removed

Entrance to the Adma Ruins

Entrance to the Elemental Lord's Laboratory

Additional entries to the Rift of Oblivion

Damasko and Meinke appear

Level 6 Runadium entrance removed Entrance to the Arkhal's Hidden Space

2 additional entries to the Elemental Lord's Laboratory

2 additional entries to the Adma Ruins

Level 7 Katalamize entrance removed

Additional entries to Runadium removed

Additional entries to the Rune Shield Tower removed

Entrance to the Kroban Base

3 additional entries to the Arkhal's Hidden Space

Level 8 Steel Wall Bastion Entrance removed

Additional entries to the Steel Wall Bastion removed

Additional entries to Katalamize removed

3 additional entries to the Kroban Base

4 additional entries to the Library of Knowledge

4 additional entries to the Garden of Knowledge

- Other benefits will stay unchanged.


5.3 Dragon Lord's Resurrection


Maximum capacity of 384 people. Every Saturday at 22:00, a massive invasion starts.

Fortress · Abyss

Renewal of Fortress sieges. Fortresses in Gelkmaros/Inggisson have been removed.

Battlefield Union System

Sieges will now be handled through the Battlefield Union System. Leaders of the Battlefield Union will receive additional skills.


High Guardian/Archon Commander's Set with outstanding performance and skill enhancing abilities, has been added.

Character · Skills

Honour Points daily deduction has been removed, rank conditions for star officers have been changed.


New missions, and fortress-related PVP quests have been added.


Atreia Pass has been reorganized, the compass will now display players from the opposite race a little bit better.