Violet Revolution Update - Renewal of Sauro War Depot

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1. Entrance has been removed from the 83rd Garrison and placed in more secure location (Elyos: Pepe Garrison / Asmodian: Phon Garrison).
2. The requirement of 3 Battle Medal to enter Sauro War Depot has been removed.
3. To make it easier a new teleport between Pandarung and Pepe Garrison / Phon Garrison position has been added.


New entrance to Sauro War Depot, Battle Medals are no longer required.

Difficulty Adjustment

1. Removed and changed the position of some monsters.
2. Monster's stats have been lowered.
3. Patterns of some named monsters have been changed.

Named monster with changed patterns
Guard Captain Rohuka, Chief Cannoneer Kurmata, Staff Commander Moriata, Inspection Officer Obanuka


Amount of mobs in the instance


After the update


1. Some final bosses have been deleted, selection of the final boss has been changed.
2. Skill pattern of 'Brigade General Sita of the 40th Army' and 'Guard Leader Achradim' has been changed.

Monster Before After
Treacherous Uterunerk Step 1 final boss. Requires 1 Key Removed
Paramedic Officer Surkihan Step 2 final boss. Requires 2 Keys
Head Researcher Jardaraka Step 3 final boss. Requires 3 Keys
Guard Leader Achradim Step 4 final boss. Requires 4 Keys Requires 1 Key
Brigade General Sita of the 40th Army Step 5 final boss. Requires 5 Keys Requires 2 Keys


Step 1~3 bosses have been removed


Changed the final boss skill pattern


1. Probability of obtaining equipment items has been increased.

2. Composite Manastones have been added to Guard Leader Achradim drop.

3. Brigade General Sita of the 40th Army now drops mythical accessories.

4. Gate Sentry Slurt is no longer dropping class accessories.


Final boss is much easier now


so go and get you mythical weapons

New drop table

Order Named Sauro Commander Set Sauro Escort Set Sauro Guards Set Other items
Guard Captain Rohuka   Armor Weapons Insignia of Conquest
Chief Cannoneer Kurmata     Weapons / Armor Insignia of Conquest
Dark Devourer Derakanak Accessories Weapons / Armor Weapons / Armor Bundle of Katalam Patrol Regenerating Manastones
Researcher Teselik   Accessories Accessories Insignia of Conquest
Gate Sentry Slurt Accessories Armor / Accessories Armor / Accessories Bundle of Katalam Patrol Regenerating Manastones
Supplies Commander Ranodim   Accessories Armor / Accessories Insignia of Conquest
Inspection Officer Obanuka Accessories Armor / Accessories Weapons / Armor Bundle of Katalam Patrol Regenerating Manastones
Inspection Officer Sayahum Accessories Weapons / Armor Armor / Accessories Bundle of Katalam Patrol Regenerating Manastones
Staff Commander Moriata   Armor Armor Insignia of Conquest
Bonus Nimble Grave Robber of the War Depot       Stolen Set of Rune Tribe
Make Aion Weapons
Ancient Manastone
[Step 1] Guard Leader Achradim Weapons/ Armors / Accessories Weapons / Armors   Box of Upgrade Serum
Weapon Fragment of Magic Power
Bundle of the Katalam Patrol's Crafting Assistance
Insignia of Conquest
Bundle of Katalam Patrol Regenerating Manastones
[Step 2] Brigade General Sita of the 40th Army Weapons / Armors / Accessories Weapons / Armor   Box of Upgrade Serum
Weapon Fragment of Magic Power
Bundle of the Katalam Patrol's Crafting Assistance
Insignia of Conquest
Bundle of Katalam Patrol Regenerating Manastones


1. Quest NPCs were moved to the new entrance location (Elyos: Pepe Garrison / Asmodian: Phon Garrison).
2. Progress details of some quests have been changed.

Quest Name Before After
Destroy 5 Key Box of Mystery Destroy 2 Key Box of Mystery


Violet Revolution Update
1da8bb3f29a34a0824345885.png Additional Updates Update April 2nd: New means of teleportation
Update March 19th: New Feather Items and NC Ping feature have been added
Update March 5th: Changes to Katalam Safe Zones, new female hairstyle
Update February 19th: Instance window and rookie server improvements
Update February 12th: Ancient Relics and Kisks stack up to 100.
Update February 5th: Auto-learning, new conditions to wear items
Update January 22nd: Lowered Battle Medals quest difficulty, faster mob respawn.
1e52b80c428f9bba2a85788f.png Renewal of the Sauro War Depot Sauro War Depot entrance has been moved to Pepe and Phon Garrison. Difficulty has been lowered and drop rate significantly increased.
E96ad11d580d3eb9b0eec6bb.png Renewal of the Steel Rose Entrance to Steel Rose has been moved to North Katalam. Difficulty has been lowered and drop rate significantly increased.
8eb094feff4e970bfc965906.png Renewal of the Ancient Coins Prices for Rune Tribe items have been lowered. Ancient Coins became easier and faster to obtain.
Ad207edf9f1bc2d9351616ef.png Forts and Honor Points Time table as well as rewards have been updated. Degradation of Honor Points has been lowered, decreased Seed of Transformation requirements.
591aaf26d6d7a386c5908be2.png Quests New daily quests for Ancient Coins have been added to North Katalam. New rewards for Steel Rose quests.
70dd96adea19174b27c5a819.png Items You can now buy Ancient Coin Boxes for Battle Medals. You can obtain Ancient Coins Bundles in Hall of Knowledge.
7992614cd72409cb42a1eae5.png Etc Teleports to main Garrisons have been added to Pandarung. You can now access Silentera Canyon without any forts.