A Strange Girl Called Inanna

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Level 80 / Recommended 80
  1. Talk to Patrol Commander Donas in Stellusia.

  2. Talk to Stella employee Stellaki in Stellusia.

  3. Find a Witness in the Outlaw South who can tell you where Vishaka is hiding.

  4. Find and investigate the Door with Drakan Handprint.

  5. Go to Vishaka's Hideout.

  6. Destroy Vishaka's Defence Troop (5).

  7. Talk to Vishaka's Pursuer, who you have met once before.

  8. Defeat Vishaka with the help of Vishaka's Pursuer (1).

  9. Observe the Unconscious Inanna.

  10. Explore the Rift of Separate Consciousness and enter Inanna's Consciousness.

  11. Defeat the Balaur who are mocking Inanna, and free her from the chains of her past.

  12. Make sure that Inanna has escaped her sad past and return to Vishaka's Hideout

  13. Talk to the Stella Auditor Terakiki, who has come to collect Tiamat's Crown.

  14. Report to Patrol Commander Donas in Stellusia.

  15. Summary:
    Pursue Vishaka to complete the Stella Corporation task.