[Instance/Group] Recruiting for the 2nd Core Strike Troop

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Holy Tower
Level 999 / Recommended 999

XP 55,263,836

Kinah 150,771

 Ancient PvE Enchantment Stone 1

  1. Talk to Union Escort Invitos.

  2. Use the Aerolink next to Invitos to board the battleship and then travel to the Holy Tower.

  3. Talk to Demolitions Expert Boques.

  4. Break through the Nergal Army defences and go to the Defence Camp Platform.

    Nergal Army (60)

    31st Infiltrator (10)

  5. Destroy Brigade General Nergal (1).

  6. Click on Instant Report in the Quest Journal or talk to Union Escort Invitos once you have fled from the Holy Tower.

  7. Summary:
    Join the Elyos Union, defeat the Ereshkigal Legion and go to the Holy Tower.