No need for small talk, nyerk!

Let Sitarunerk see Daeva’s delivery.

“Sure, here you go.”

Good, seal is still intact.

Obviously, since Daeva has not begun to slowly freeze to death, akakakak!

Labor Agency does not like Daevas who stick noses in wrong places, nyerk!

“Uh, wow. All right. Noted.”

Oh, good, you finished your delivery?

Let’s get you paid, then!

“Sitarunerk said the seal on that was dangerous?”

Oh, only if tampered with! So, you have nothing to worry about, of course. You’re so trustworthy!

We just have such... delicate information in our missives, [%username]. So, the Labor Agency protects their assets with one of a few different types of wax--flame, ice, and poison, to name a few.

They are quite dangerous unless handled with a special removal agent. It ensures our sensitive documents remain confidental.

(Click Reward in the quest window to report the mission results.)

(Click OK to obtain the reward.)


Skalla of the Pandora Labor Agency asked you to find the Shugo Sitarunerk and deliver a Confidentiality Agreement.

After delivering the Confidentiality Agreement, you returned to Skalla, who thanked you for your help.