Did you make the Petrification Sealing Wax?

Let’s see.

“How’s this?”

Well, this is definitely Petrified Sealing Wax. And not bad quality, either.

This is ready to be used.

“How will you use it, exactly?”

How are we using it?

Keep working with us, [%username]. Maybe in time you will earn the right to ask questions.

(Click Reward in the quest window to report the mission results.)

(Click OK to obtain the reward.)


Prodia of the Pandora Labor Agency asked you to craft Petrified Sealing Wax by combining Petrified Sap and the Petrified Shells from the creatures within the agency's territories.

You completed the task and asked how the Petrified Sealing Wax is used, but you weren’t given a clear answer.