I've been waiting for you.

Please fine Messenger Pellen, it's urgent.

"No time to waste." "I have urgent business, elsewhere."

So, you really were looking for me.

Well. This is a library. Keep your voice down.

Just state your business quickly.

"Sorry, I mistook you for someone else." "I'm looking for something I lost."

Really? Huh....

Find whatever book you're here for and get out.


Oh, [%username]! I’ve been waiting for you. We are running out of time. I’ve asked you to come here to discuss a crucial matter--the fate of Atreia hangs in balance.

Show this pass to Teleporter Polyidus. He’ll send you to Iluma.

Once you get there, just wait for me until I come and find you.

"Got it."

You look... distracted. What's on your mind?

Did something happen?

Show him the Iluma Pass. "Nothing."

This is... I understand. No need to say anymore.

All arrangements have already been made for anyone bearing that pass. Your destination is set.

Please let me know when you’re ready to depart.

"I'm ready." "Er, give me just a moment...."

I’m sorry we had to meet in a place like this.... You may not remember me. My name is Agent Viola. I am Empyrean Lord Ariel's Agent.

You fainted in front of the Tower of Eternity Fragment earlier. Did you notice anything... different about yourself when you woke?

Something like... a surge of strength that you didn’t know you had? Just what happened back there?

"I saw all these visions...."

I see. To tell you the truth, [%username], I’ve been watching you for a long time. I'll make no apologies for it. It's not important right now.

What IS important is that the Tower of Eternity Fragment reacted to you. It's... the most crucial thing here.

We aren't clear on exactly what its power is yet, but we couldn't be too cautious. I trust you understand.


I’d better go see the Commander again.

It's always busy around here.... You're a priority, of course, but... let's get out of here, then we can talk about our next steps.

The door's open. Feel free to look around the Sanctuary. Don't worry--I don't think we'll ever be locking you up again.


You received the Sealed Letter from High Priest Jucleas.

The urgent news requested you to meet Messenger Pellen at the Library of the Sages in Sanctum.

With the fate of Atreia at stake, Messenger Pellen gave you a pass for the teleporter to Iluma.

When you arrived at Ariel's Sanctuary, you were greeted by the sight of a huge Tower of Eternity fragment.

Assailed by a sudden torrent of visions, you lost consciousness.

You woke up in a prison cell, where you met Agent Viola.

Agent Viola confessed that she had been watching you, and said that you must find some kind of power from this land.