[Weekly] Obelisk for Erecting in Hanarkand

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Sophisticated Tasks of the Pandora Recruitment Office
Level 999 / Recommended 999
2 / (Reset: wed)

XP 73,464,720

 Broken Alberus 2

  1. Set up an Unusual Obelisk in the Northern Part of the Hanarkand Oracle Chamber.

  2. Set up an Unusual Obelisk in the Eastern Part of the Hanarkand Oracle Chamber.

  3. Set up an Unusual Obelisk in the Southern Part of the Hanarkand Oracle Chamber.

  4. Set up an Unusual Obelisk in the Western Part of the Hanarkand Oracle Chamber.

  5. Click on Instant Report in the Quest Journal or talk to Frodia.

  6. Summary:
    Set up Unusual Obelisks in Hanarkand.